
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Resource Suggestions (PDF)
September 30th is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation also known as, Orange Shirt Day. Our team has attached some resources, links, articles and information that you can utilize to share this learning in your classrooms.
We will continue to add to this resource package as we come across new resources, so please feel free to share materials, ideas or photos of the ways that you and your students are acknowledging this very important day for all Canadians.
Online Library
The library at Wap contains books, videos and physical resources and kits that may be signed out for class room use or professional development. SD52 educators should use their district email to reserve books. Contact Maria Niesh in order to set up an account.
Locally Developed Sm'algyax Books

Locally Developed Cross-Curricular Theme Units
Cross-Curricular Theme Units are used by teachers in elementary classrooms and are required throughout the school district. They are specifically developed to make education more relevant for Aboriginal learners, and increase understanding of Aboriginal history and culture.
These cross-curricular theme units were developed to be taught across all subject areas. In surveys of elementary teachers within the district, all Primary teachers and almost 90% of Intermediate teachers indicate that they use these units with their learners during the year.

Weaving Our Way: From Patterns to Linear Relations in a Ts'msyen Context: See Resource
K-12: All Native Basket Ball Tournament: A set of Lessons and resources developed
as a resource for teachers, students and community members about the ANBT
tournament. -
K-1 First Nations Themes Units for Early Primary: Four literature-based theme units:
I Love My Family, Rainbow Colors, Winter Camping, Walking Shoes
Primary: Pteex dił Dzepk (Recently updated): Clans and Crests:
This unit helps teachers and learners understand the importance of clans and crests in Ts’msyen society. -
Gr. 3 The Adventures of Txamsm: Four stories of Txamsm, the Ts’msyen Raven Trickster.
Learners learn from the Adawwx, stories with important truths that have been passed down from generation to generation. -
Gr. 4 Łootm Smg̱an: Respecting the Cedar :
Learners investigate the science of cedar and its cultural importance, respecting cedar as the tree of life. -
Gr. 5 Łuutigm Hoon: Honouring the Salmon:
Learners learn the important and enduring relationship that the Ts’msyen have with the salmon. -
Gr. 5, 6 Gaxsoo: Canoes:
This unit describes the importance of the canoe in traditional Ts’msyen life and at the time of European contact, as well as the rebirth of the canoe in recent years. -
Gr. 6 Pts’aan: Totem Poles:
This unit provides a sequence of lessons through which learners gain a grasp of the full meaning of totem poles in Northwest Coast cultures. -
Gr. 7 Suwilaayksm Dzepk: Learning About Crests
Learners learn about traditional and modern ways in which crest designs are used. -
Gr. 7 Adaawx and the Ancient Ts'msyen: Currently under development.
Resource Brochure with prices