The Role Model
The Role Model Program brings local Indigenous Role Models into the classrooms to speak about many topics, from traditional culture to contemporary job opportunities. They link students with the Indigenous community in Prince Rupert and provide positive models. The Indigenous Education Department works with these experts in a variety of fields to arrange visits to schools and classrooms.
Early Learning
Early Learning is a high priority for the Prince Rupert School District and through the the Indigenous Education Department, runs programs to support families and our youngest learners including PALS (Parents as Literacy Supporters), POPS (Parents of Primary Students) and Summer Read and Play.
2010 Partnership
Our partnership is a shared responsibility dedicated to creating a community which values, respects and appreciates Indigenous languages, cultures, histories, knowledge, skills and people as integral to the education system and life-long learning process.
Resources and
Services for Learning
The Indigenous Education Department has created high-quality, culturally appropriate materials to be used by learners and educators in the district. These materials support the new BC curriculum and provide authentic local Indigenous perspectives and worldviews. Workshops conducted by the department enable teachers to implement locally developed curriculum as well as other authentic curricular resources in the classroom. Wap Sigagtgyet also houses the Indigenous Education Resource Library which gives educators and learners access to a wide variety of resources including books, videos and physical artifacts and kits that are available for classroom use.
Sm'algyax Language
Sm'algya̱x is offered from Kindergarten to grade five in all of our elementary schools and in grades 6- 12 in our Middle School and Secondary schools. An integrated Resource Package (IRP) has been approved as a Ministry authorized course. Sm'algya̱x 11 ans 12 meet the second language requirement for university entrance.
Community Voices:
Its important to learn the history of where you come from or where you live.
— Charles Hays Student
When people found out about my culture, it was like all of a sudden it altered who I was as a person.
— Charles Hays Student
Aboriginal graduates should be able to excel in any chosen life path... Strong in two worlds, not just one.
— Hartley Bay Teacher
We need to go below the surface, students need to be involved, not just as spectators.
— Hartley Bay Student